Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Anything is Possible

Hearing KG give a shout out to 'SOTA in his post-game interview with Michelle Tafoya was enough to bring a tear to this superbeast's eye. I've been following his career since he was a scrawny rookie in '95. I remember in college when some friends and I strong armed a bar in Bozeman, Montana to televise every Timberwolves game. Upon my return to Minnesota in 2000, I had season tickets to the Timberwolves for 4 straight seasons, culminating in their loss to the Lakers in the Western Conference Finals. There was nothing I wanted more than for KG to win a title in Minnesota. It wasn't meant to be.

I'm so happy for this dude. I'm so happy that he just took a gigantic steaming dump on all of his critics and detractors. On the national stage, under the spotlight, for everyone to see.

You earned it KG. Much respect.


chris liakos said...

So fucking cool. There's really no other way I can describe it.

Ticket had a monster game, and proved he earned it.

It didn't hurt at all that Gasol is a complete bitch.

At any rate, KG is a champ. Nuff said.

Zetzman said...

I also found my eyes welling up during his postgame comments. He epitomizes everything that sports should be. I <3 KG.

Also, his comment to Michelle Tafoya has to go down as one of the most unintentionally funny things I've ever heard.

Greg and Sarah Strong said...

Amen, amigo.

A real thrill to see KG win it all, the guy personifies everything that's right about the NBA and American sports.

Little bit frustrating to see Boston get David Ortiz, Randy Moss, AND KG from us, but the Celtics are great.

Eric said...

Tears of joy for me too!