Monday, October 25, 2010

Stuff on my Phone: Boulder Edition

For those of you "in the know" or who "drink my internet spirit water" you know I woke up one morning and was basically moving out of California a few days later. It's kinda like that Led Zepellin song "Going to California" except entirely the opposite. In fact, I think I'm going to pen a version that Robert Plant would be proud of. Don't get me wrong, California is a great place, but I just couldn't handle one more "I work at Google / Facebook / Twitter!!!!!" MBA drone talking to me while sipping my delicious Blue Bottle Coffee in the morning (jesus christ BBC I miss you...)

Anyways. I'm now in a town where I can actually buck-down and escape the land of QWERTY to hopefully pen an album and do design work that is equal parts fantasy metal and John Cage. Thankfully I was able to land a gig in Boulder at "the factory." Here are some randoms from my iPhone.

7AM. I think I was around Tahoe. Time for some E. Winter. The proper way to start off any road trip.

This is what I saw for about 18 hours straight. God bless America. Actually though, it was super beautiful and I highly recommend the drive through via I-70.

No semi-cross-country-road-trip is complete without a bit of "fine home cookin" before turning in for the night.

First stop in this town. Juanitas. I've got to be honest, this fine establishment's burrito made me have triple vision -- in the good way.

Meet Gio. He is Italian by way of London. He somehow landed up here too, and is living with a 22 year dude who "just chills" and has blankets over the windows. Needless to say he is experiencing "the real America."

There is an amazing place here who opens their door's at midnight and promptly closes them at 4am. They also only happen serve cookies. Apparently there is quite the audience for it here as they've been open for the last fifteen years.

Typical sunset on my trek to the murf mobile post pixel-mining. Pretty epic.

Now these women. These women happened to yell after me while I was walking to my cab after a fine set of sips. Maybe it was my George Harrison mustache or the fact that I told them my name was Jorge and I was visiting from Sweden. This fine lady wanted a pic with her bestie. Party on.

There also happens to be an amazing robotics/toy store here in town. I'm just going to ask 'the factory' to pay me in gift cards to this place.

Whoa. There are concerts here? As Wayne would say "excellent."

1 comment:

Casey Brewer said...

Whipps is Rocky MTN High!!!