Monday, February 7, 2011

Child Racist Television : The Andrew Show

I'm not sure how much Googling I had been doing when I came across the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan website, but I would say I had traveled fairly far down the proverbial rabbit hole. I have a bizarre fascination with racists, morons, hilarious cultural anomalies, and the bizarre, so I decided to peruse the Klan's website and see what the mouth breathing troglodytes in white bath robes were up to these days.

Apparently, the Klan is up on the whole social networking phenomenon, made famous by 15 year old girls, perverts, and agoraphobics the world over. The Klan has even decided to release a series of crudely produced YouTube videos featuring nubile girls, middle aged women, old crust pile dudes, and a cherubic young man named "Andrew". Andrew is the host of the inventively titled Andrew Show. On his hip hop happening program, the burgeoning Fox News host chews the fat about the lack of morals in Harry Potter, gun laws, and the plight of white children. Andrew has an unidentifiable Australian and or British accent that is hard to discern, but his chipper hate speak delivery really fits the bill for kids looking to bond with a fellow young bigot. Part of me thinks he might actually be the young progeny of Rupert Murdoch. I sort of feel bad for what the world will hold for Andrew, and I sort of hate his demented parents for corrupting his toe headed young mind. But the Andrew Show, and its haphazard production value illustrate that the Klan really is in its last gasps. And judging from the webpage layout, there isn't a soul in the white power movement who is proficient in CSS.

1 comment:

Casey Brewer said...

The little mouth breathing redneck can't say his r's worth shit.