Monday, February 7, 2011

Giant Silver Boner Bowl.

The Green Bay Packers were the triumphant victors at the Giant Silver Boner Bowl XLV.

Many sports fans consider the Giant Silver Boner Bowl to be a holy day, a de facto American holiday if you will. Unfortunately, despite the celebratory nature of the event, shitty beer induced spousal abuse is a real issue. Cast aside for the likes of a remote, children and wives everywhere are ignored on this Sunday. Men just can't get enough of the Giant Silver Boner Bowl action.

Because of the incredibly high-viewership of the Giant Silver Boner Bowl, commercial airtime during this monumental event is uber expensive. These ads consist mainly of men getting hit in the testicles with beer/soda cans.

In addition, popular singers like the Black Eyed Peas use this day to lip synch their shitty songs in huge, over produced jack-off performances choreographed by people with no grip on reality. These halftime ceremonies are often bemoaned by the fans of the Giant Silver Boner Bowl as "gay."

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