Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Back when I lived in Montana, we would drive by the C.U.T. compound on our way to Yellowstone National Park for a soak in the Boiling River. The Church Universal and Triumphant (C.U.T.) was making the news quite a bit with the rise in doomsday cults and militias around the country. It was a crazy time. The Ruby Ridge confrontation happened in 1992, the Waco Siege occurred in 1993, and the Oklahoma City Bombing happened in 1995. There was also a group called the Montana Militia Men that were kicking up some dust.

I was too busy making patchwork pants, smoking dope and searching for the origins of rare John Maclaughlin guitar solos to pay much attention to these news stories at the time, but I did know about the C.U.T. cult. You couldn't miss their sprawling estate on the outskirts of Yellowstone.

Their leader was Elizabeth Clare Prophet.

In the early 90's information emerged that the C.U.T. were amassing a huge cache of weapons. It was also said that their underground bunker was built stories deep and was depending on the geothermal activity from Yellowstone for its power supply. The urban legend at the time was that the C.U.T. would send their young women to town to "lure" new members back to the compound. Nothing like dating a gal with a doomsday apocalypse bent. They probably want to bone all the time.

They supposedly started stockpiling weapons to defend themselves against a Soviet attack. Obviously huge fans of the movie Red Dawn.


MayorMike said...

C.U.T.E. is more like it.

Casey Brewer said...

You got that right. Yum.