Monday, May 23, 2011

The Spring Opener.

A few of us had a nice little day drunk on Sunday down in my beloved Georgetown. We started off at the Den of The Superbeast before heading over to the Spring Opener car and motorcycle show. There wasn't shit for motos there but the cars were kickass.

Before I got blotto off of high-octane IPA, I managed to snap a few keepsakes of the adventure. My buddy Max was right there with me for all the festivities. A couple of real bad boys. We're talkin' wrong side of the tracks here.

The show was put together by a couple of a car and motorcycle clubs. Namely the Piston Packin' Mamas and Rat Patrol.

Rat Patrol describes themselves like this: "Cars, booze, art, rock & roll, jerks." 'Nuff said. Pal Max wasn't buying the bravado. Especially after one of the jerks yelled at us for taking pics.

Here's a crude dude with a killer satanic vest.

Hell's Belles. Beautiful. Baddass.

The Tempest. What a looker.

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