Sunday, July 17, 2011

Walking. Thinking.

Psycho Mike, the infamous LA radio personality informed me in an enraged panic that Carmegeddon was fast approaching. Batten down the hatches, stockpile canned food, lock yourselves in a secure shelter, and stimulate the economy by buying movies on demand for the long and tedious weekend ahead. The 405 was closing in Los Angeles. A fate that seems to equal alien invasion or nuclear holocaust here.

I had plans on the East side that were dashed because of the looming traffic conundrum. Instead of sulking in my hotel room, I ventured out for a day long sojourn by foot. From Santa Monica to Venice to Abbot Kinney and beyond. I saw an art exhibit by Faile, I looked at expensive denim at Stronghold, I sweat out considerable amounts of booze consumed the night before. Mostly I just walked, contemplated life and looked at interesting things.

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