Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Great Minnesota Get Together. In Shitty Pictures.

Just in case one battered foot long Pronto Pup won't do. Now you can get a bucket of hot lard encrusted hot dogs to stuff into your gaping jowls. I was relatively tame this year. I ate one roasted corn on the cob, a handful of garlic fries, some apple cider, and one late night wannabe Pronto Pup. I still almost crapped myself.

The only image I nabbed from the Steely Dan concert was this one. Then a security guard who looked exactly like Willie Aames almost kicked me out for taking a picture. We threw peanuts at him for the rest of the night.

There's only one Seed Queen. I got close enough to smell her dementia.

It took me about 7 tries to nail this masterpiece. I like how he has fat balls.

One of the blue ribbon winners at the seed art competition. This one is called "Girlie."

Auburn Sasquatch? Fuck no. That's the Purple Sasquatch. Dude was on a mission to smash nerds and screw birds. I could barely keep up and I almost suffocated in his wake of cologne.

Mayor Mike's favorite find. This brilliant illustration can be seen at the pastrami wrapped pickle and cream cheese booth.

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