Sunday, August 21, 2011

Male Pattern Dementia.

Male Pattern Baldness is definitely setting in. This was just confirmed by a discerning female friend. I'm too ashamed to show the "now" picture, so let me just relish in the "then." Just for a few minutes longer...

To put this all in perspective, I was recently rafting the Yakima river. While on this sojourn, I passed around my camera to a few of the pals on the trip. What was captured BY THINE OWN DIGITAL IMAGERY was a horrific patchy head, complete with a glowing orb of a sunburnt bald spot. A prominent bald spot.

What. The. Fuck.

I'd be hard-pressed to find a bald guy that I think is cool. Wait...there's my Dad, my uncle, Jake, and that one weird drummer from Spirit who's like the father in the law of the lead singer. Yeah.

Time to just waltz into the great, dark abyss with my old dusty pit bull in tow. Sigh.

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