Sunday, August 7, 2011

Third Beach to Toleak.

This weekend was epic. I rode the entire Olympic Peninsula on my motorcycle, from Seattle to Olympia to Aberdeen to Lake Quinnault to Kalaloch (where I ran out of gas) to Forks to Third Beach. I hiked an amazing trail with treacherous ropes and ladders in brilliant weather. Then we found our Fantasy Island-like camp where we swam in the ocean, feasted on good grub, drank wine, laughed, and investigated the mating rituals of starfish and lime-green sea anemone by moonlight.

I still can't for the life of me figure out the photo ordering system used by Blogspot, so these aren't in any type of order whatsoever.

Lime-green Sea Anemone found in a tide pool around midnight. One of the girls said "touch it, it feels like a vagina." Don't mind if I do!

Sunset on Toleak. I could have looked at this all day. I'll be back.

The stacks off of Toleak Point.

The trail to Third Beach, where we began our 6.5 mile hike up and around headlands using ladders and ropes to make it up steep, treacherous embankments. Indiana Jones style. Totally savage.

I met this guy in Aberdeen. He had a chopper trike that was 100% custom. He was blasting Iron Maiden. He complimented my Triumph, and I complimented him on his excellent taste in music. Tight bros for life!

The mating rituals of the starfish are elusive. We found hundreds of these guys in the low tide pools. The orange ones seemed to fancy the purples. I need to learn more about these strange critters.

In deep. Solo shot after climbing one of the steep inclines of the headlands.

The underside of a starfish plucked from the tide pools. I have no idea if it is illegal to handle these little buggers, but I can assure you he was put back in his spot unharmed.

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