I just logged my 100th hour for a pitch. Over a week's time my art director and I have been trading barbs back and forth. Mostly about how we're going to kill each other. Here are some doozies.
"See the Bay Bridge over there? I'm gonna throw your ass off it."
"Pier 39 is beautiful, it's gonna look even better from the bottom of the ocean where you'll be drowning."
"I'm tying you to the back of that trolley car and dragging you around the city by the bay."
"I'm putting you in the hole on Alcatraz."
"If I hear you talk about your kids one more time, I'm going to drop an earthquake on your face."
"Unity game engine, blah, blah, Natal, blah, augmented reality, blah, how about a first person shooter where you're the target?"
"Lunch on the deck? Cool, I'll throw you off of it."
"You don't like Churro's? You really won't like it when I'm stuffing one down your throat, choking you out."
"How many hours is it gonna take you to put together that fucking mood board? 3 hours? I'm in the mood to kick your ass."
"You fucking hippy."
"It would be cool to tie you up between two tugboats going in opposite directions."
"Yeah drinks tonight would be cool. I'll get you wasted and strangle you in your sleep."
"Are there Great White Sharks in the bay? Awesome. Feedin' time!"
"Cabby, can you drop him off in tranny town?"
"I hope you die of old age while we're here."
"I'll strangle you with that ficus plant."
You have a lot of anger inside, Casey.
It goes both ways Bukes.
I'm going to push you out of the airplane at 30,000 feet.
Your old balls couldn't handle the altitude.
I'm going to crush you with my big ideas.
this could be considered evidence.
you should have a phone sex number. this shit is getting me hot.
I'll send pics.
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