Friday, July 16, 2010

Meat and Starch.

I'm currently helping on a pitch in San Francisco. The catered food options for the past week have consisted of this:

Monday - Lunch: Sandwich bar. Dinner: Thai. Tuesday - Lunch: Mexican. Dinner: Greek. Wednesday - Lunch: BBQ Chicken. Dinner: Pizza. Thursday - Lunch: In 'N Out Burgers. Dinner: Indian Food. Friday - Lunch: Mexican. Dinner: ?

I can feel the kidney stones fusing to my urinary tact. My arteries are in a perpetual Fight Club with cholesterol. Early on set Diabetes is within sniffing distance. My bowels have been through a roller coaster of violent emotions.

There are no healthy food options within walking distance, and nary a salad bar on the horizon. The leftovers are beginning to form a fetid pyramid in the employee kitchen. I fantasize about climbing the pile of carbohydrates and congealed by-product, simply to plummet to my death in an act of unholy sacrifice.

What I wouldn't give for a mixed green salad. Or a slice of warm, whole wheat bread.

This is the only evidence I'll leave behind as I drift slowly into morbid obesity. Goodbye beasts.

P.s. My arm just fell asleep for no reason.


Bukes said...

Dude. You're on a culinary adventure. Embrace it. But If you can't hack it, why don't you power walk to a McDonald's and get a McSalad?

Casey Brewer said...

This is important Bukes. I'm not going to make it.