Thursday, October 28, 2010

Mort. A 1947 Triumph Trike.

Don Cates built this trike in an effort to advertise his paint shop. Soon enough, folks were asking him where he got his forks and handlebars. Meet Mort, a three wheeler that you drive from the comforts of a gypsy caravan. Floor shift, with a foot clutch and brake and a Triumph muffler as a gas tank. Pretty boss.

The gypsy carriage has just just enough space to canoodle with your sweetheart after a night of tearing up the strip.

Mort is currently undergoing a rehabilitation. The old dusty beast is in the process of a spit shine and tune up. Read more here.


Sean Whipps said...

Whoa. So bad ass, yet so practical.

Casey Brewer said...

Party in the back. Party in the front.

Procell said...

Party in the back. Party in the front.