Friday, February 4, 2011

The Incredible Two-Headed Transplant.

How have I not seen this film before? From IMDB:

Dr. Roger Girard is a rich scientist conducting experiments on head transplantation. His caretaker has a son, Danny, who, although fully grown, has the mind of child. One day an escaped psycho-killer invades Girard's home, killing Danny's father before being gunned down himself. With the maniac dying and Danny deeply unsettled by his father's death, Dr. Girard decides to take the final step and transplant the killer's head onto Danny's body. Of course, things go horribly wrong and the two-headed creature escapes to terrorize the countryside.

"The most intimate terror a woman ever felt..."


MayorMike said...

A two-headed double feature is in order. Next Mt. Holly film festival?

The Thing with Two Heads.

Casey Brewer said...


The bigger head looks like John Candy. Also, this might be my halloween costume next year with Jake.