Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Animatronics = Coolest Shit Ever.

As a follow up to a post I made about a month ago, we just finished this project for Glad garbage bags. The same project where we used the talents of Animated FX out of Los Angeles.

The highlight of the production was walking into a warehouse space with 4 white-haired, bearded wizard dudes sitting amongst severed heads, various celebrity animal characters (Howard the Duck), and real-to-life chimp skin grafts. The folks at Animated FX are former Jim Henson puppeteers that started their own gig. They are true superbeasts.

We produced a 90 second trailer to a reality show, a 30 second spot, a Facebook "create your own episode" experience, a twitter feed, and a sweepstakes for a chance to win $25,000. Take a gander.

Glad Black Bag Presents: The Wild Life.

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