Thursday, October 9, 2008

What's Your Back Up Plan?

If every nation's economy is shitty, is everything canceled out? I got a C+ in my college Econ class, so my expert opinion says, yes.

If not, my plan is to raise poppy and sheep in Nepal.

Perhaps I'll be a homeless man in Hong Kong. I think the homeless in Hong Kong only get truffle stuffed lobster once a day though...


Casey Brewer said...

I think my back up plan is the same as my retirement plan.

I'm moving up to the North Woods and making wicker furniture for a living.

americanmidwestsamurai said...

Selling my secrets to North Korea or Iran. (Highest bidder wins)

Unknown said...

I chose the ivory tower of grad school. Well insulated. 2 years of fantasy land.

chris liakos said...

I can do this really weird thing where I make farting noises in my sleep. VH1 should be calling any moment now to offer me a reality show.

R. Falch said...

Arthur -

You're onto something. I think you should add Venezuela to the mix.

On a different note: Is Kim Jong Il dead? I am really interested in this cat and I think I may revise my plans to sneaking across the border into Pyongyang and finding out for myself. I would blend right in...

americanmidwestsamurai said...

Good fucking luck. I'd rather be in a Czech prison in the 80's than in North Korea. But if you get in, take pictures (before you're executed).

Yes, Venezuela. That Chavez has balls--I can respect that.

______ said...

mo' money mo' problems