Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Flip the Kill Switch: Scenes of Macabre.

After surviving the worst blizzard in South Dakota in more than a decade, and relentless taunting from backwater rednecks convinced I was a Muslim terrorist, this old Brew came out alive with a whole shit ton of birds and rabbits to show for it. Isolation can do funny things to people, like make them really fucking stupid. South Dakota brazenly lives up to the stereotype.

Our first day in Menno. Negative wind chills and more idiots from South Carolina that any one liberal can muster.

The big guy was our host and guide. He had unrecognizable food stuck in his beard the entire weekend. He referred to me as "you liberal" while constantly yelling at me. His wife makes a good stuffed goose.

That's the old man, making stew meat out of one of the 25 rabbits we shot.

One day's bountiful harvest, and Bebe the dog. Bebe couldn't hunt worth shit, but she liked treats and scratches behind her ears.

1 comment:

theryanburk said...

You don't see beards like those everyday.