Well, it's about flippin' time this snake oil salesmen concedes. While his concession may come off as sincere, don't let this smarmster fool you. Good buddy Paula said it best:
My guess is that Mayor Quimby will drown his sorrows in a blonde at Zelo.

It's not like his fake wife will care, as long as the Neiman Marcus credit card still works properly.
Norman Betram Coleman Jr. can now get back to what to being a sleeze ball attorney representing the horsemen of the apocalypse. Or perhaps he'll find another opportunity running for some different party. It's not like his convictions are ever really set in stone. In Norm's case, the answers are always blowing in the wind, attached to a cloud of dollar bills, back room deals and extra strength hair gels that could have saved the Highway 35 bridge from collapsing. This guy is a piece of work.
Yeah! Suck it, Norm!
I elect Mrs. Coleman to suck it. She has a real red-state appeal that I find delicious! Raaaawwrr.
Mrs. Coleman will do anything for a new mink shawl or diamond tennis bracelet. Any ting you want...
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