Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The 1000th Post!

To celebrate 1000 posts on the Superbeast Creative blog, here's an amazing clip of Billy Preston singing, dancing and shooting lasers at white people.

Thanks for supporting the blog over the past 4+ years!


Kent Carmichael said...

Congratulations. I've enjoyed about 90%, so that's 900. Pretty awesome thing you got going here. Soon you'll be like M*A*S*H.

Casey Brewer said...

Thanks buddy. Couldn't do it without peeps like you.

Greg and Sarah Strong said...

Whoa. Hate to post a video-spoiler but I think the Bee Gees would have been better off without their magical Billy Preston treatment. Congrats on the 1000. I dunno if I'd say I "enjoyed" 90% but maybe "was provoked by" 90%.

Casey Brewer said...

Greg, anything with Billy Preston is cool.