Saturday, February 5, 2011

Ice Fishing Superbeast Style.

My pal Dave loves to boil water. He's built a steam powered motorcycle. So, of course, I knew he'd bring something special to fish with when he suggested we go ice fishing together a couple of weeks back.

The column heats the water that drips into the sardine can. A stick on a bent spring pops up from under the reel's handle, signaling a bite.

Dave's next modification will be a small chute that will direct the spilled hot water into the hole keeping it ice-free.

Speaking of sardines, that day Dave caught the only two.

This week, I outfitted my ice fishing sledge with a rattle-reel, a super-sketchy homebrew detonator (the trigger is a guitar pick) and a launch pad. Now, I know when a fish bites because a rocket launches.

No one lost a hand today, but we did lose 2 rockets.

Thanks to the dudes at mission control: Dave, Jake and Jeff.

1 comment:

Casey Brewer said...

Nice work Mayor. This is sweet.