Thursday, February 3, 2011

Toe Jammin' with the Polydactyly Superbeast.

16 toes. 15 fingers. You can't even do a legit pink/stink joke with this little beasty. He's going to have an operation to remove the bonus digits. WHY little dude? Just for a moment imagine the possibilities! Get those flippers on the big screen. In no time you'll be living at Charlie Sheen's porn mansion sticking all 15 of your sausage fingers in the Nutella. Not to mention the spray tanned orifices that abound. Use one of your fucking heads little man!

A Chinese boy with 31 fingers and toes is set to undergo an operation to remove the extra digits.

The six-year-old boy, whose name has not been released, has 16 toes and 15 fingers.

One of the fingers is incomplete and appears on X-ray photographs as a "fork" sticking out from the right thumb.

Three fingers on each of the boy's hands are also fused together by skin.

The boy, from Shenyang in China's north-eastern Liaoning province, beats the current world record held Indian boys Pranamya Menaria and Devendra Harne, who have 12 fingers and 13 toes.

Doctors will today attempt to remove the boy's extra digits.


Casey Brewer said...


Anonymous said...

I kind of feel bad for the kid who lost the title. When the Chinese boy has his extra digits removed, will the Indian kid regain the crown?