Friday, July 1, 2011

Mt. Rainier = Alien Base.

If I was going to start a Space Cult, Mt. Rainier would be as a good a place as any to recruit easily manipulated rubes. The mountain has Close Encounters written all over it. When walking around Lake Washington in Seward Park I half expect the top of this beast to open up like a coffee pot and expose an entire alien civilization. And just like that, a quick Google search...

1. Mt. Rainier, Washington
Function unknown.
Levels: Multiple
Tunnels to: Unknown
Notes: A very active UFO base exists beneath Mt. Rainier. There are also said to be underground "vaults" containing
records of the ancient Lemurians.

Nope, those aren't the lyrics to a Rush song. That is some bona fide UFO info from the site. Beep Borp! Lemurians!

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