Monday, July 4, 2011

Any Major Dude Friendship Society. Seattle, June 2nd.

Set list:

Intro Jazz instrumental
Your Gold Teeth
Hey Nineteen
Green Earrings
Everything Must Go
Night by Night
Time Out of Mind
Show Biz Kids
You Got The Bear
(unreleased track from Aja sessions)
Dirty Work
Unknown Instrumental
(band introductions)
Do It Again
Reelin' in the Years


Kid Charlemagne
Last Tango In Paris Outro

The Wamu Theater is a dump. Concrete floors and folding chairs. Not exactly the perfect venue to get up close and personal with the Show Biz Kids. Regardless, I put down $90 for a 9th row seat, just to the right of the stage. My neighbors to my left were as expected. An intoxicated couple in their mid to late 50's. The guy had on a "SDU" hat (Steely Dan University), that he said he bought 11 years ago. His wife was small and round with a bad peroxide job. They sucked face for the entire concert. I think I saw him drink 14 rum & cokes. All through a tiny straw.

There were more silver haired guys in Hawaiian shirts at this concert than I have ever witnessed in person. The Wamu show definitely trumped the 2009 Paramount Theater performance in this regard. One gentleman behind me repeatedly yelled "Thank You!! Woooo!" after every song the band began playing. At one point during "Reelin' in the Years" it sounded as if he was crying. Tears of joy I imagine.

Late in the set, a pair of young women began dancing in the open aisle to my right. They were in their early 20's so I immediately presumed they were prostitutes. I later thought that they might be the daughters of a burly Dan Fan. He came up behind them and screamed the lyrics to "Dirty Work." My suspicions were proven incorrect when he began groping the ass of the one that looked like Snooki.

Another weird thing about the Wamu venue is that it is incredibly dark. I couldn't see for shit when I got up to use the restroom. I literally bumped my way through a sea of F.U.P.A. in mom denim. I excused myself ad nauseam only to be met with "it's alright baby" in that charbroiled smoker's lung. Once I made it to the bathroom, the smell of shitty weed was over powering. You would think that all these dudes who all own boats on Lake Washington could afford the good stuff. No dice. The smell of seeds and stems almost covered up the cocoa butter natural bronzer tanning lotion.

One thing that helped me navigate back to my seat was the inordinate amount of white denim worn by the female Dan Fans. Obviously the choice pants for party girls in their 50's. Some bedazzled, some were left unadorned, some looked like 10 lbs of sugar in a 5 lb sack. They were a godsend though, as I pin-balled my way through flaccid breasts back to my seat.

The show itself was a slow burner. Opening with "Your Gold Teeth" was a solid decision, but it sort of sucks when the back-up singers carry all of the David Palmer numbers. Still, as expected, it was a well conceived and performed set list.

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