Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Abandoned Farm.

This mysterious abandoned farm was discovered a few miles west of Cle Elum right off the Yakima River. I thought we had stumbled upon one of serial killer Robert Pickton's infamous pig farms. Well, we didn't spy any dead prostitute parts...just heaps and heaps of rodent shit. I probably inhaled a barn-full of Hantavirus spores while trying to snap some of these pics. Exploring weird stuff has its risks.

Terrible things have happened here. Probably.

While I don't doubt that more than a few Roslyn rednecks have gotten their pecker's wet on this bed, the odor was more closely associated with rats fucking in a hot tin coffee can.

Pretty pastoral landscapes amidst decay and rat shit.

The piece of land that this farm was decomposing on was straight out of a Louis L'Amour novel. About 100 yards off the Yakima river with no civilization in sight. Epic vistas and rolling hills. Beautiful and dead.


Dru Luv said...

FUCK that place. Some people have definitely been killed/raped/burned/eaten/tortured/sexy time'd in that place.

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of an old abandoned marina/fish camp north of Duluth. Same kitschy stuff pasted to interior walls. Only this subject matter depicted illustrated ships and pinups. I've long known about the place. It would be cool if the city turned it into either a historic site or renovate it for visiting boats.